Friday, February 23, 2018


Here is a chart to memorize for benchmark fractions, decimals, and percentages.

You can take any fraction and divide it to get a decimal.  Let's look at 1/4.

Or you can take any decimal and turn it into a fraction by putting the place value as the denominator and whatever numbers are in your decimal as the numerator.

Or you can take any percentage and turn it into a fraction by placing it over 100 then change it to a decimal from there.

Lastly you can take the benchmarks and use them to your advantage.  In the example, we used 25% which is equal to 1/4.  From there we can get 50 and 75% plus we can do up to any number (we used 20 as a total) to find out each percentage of that number.

In summary, you can use these steps

If you have the part and the total, divide to get a decimal, the multiply by 100 to get the percent.

If you have the percent and the total, multiply to get the part.

Part ÷ Total = Percent

Percent x Total = Part

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