We went over adding and subtracting fractions in class. Here are the 2 ways we discussed. This also works for adding fractions.
Separate the whole numbers first. Here, we have 11 - 4 = 7.
Then subtract your fractional parts (we had to find a common denominator first).
Since 1/8 came first, we have to subtract the 1/4 or 2/8 from it. This give us -1/8. Now we subtract our two parts
7-1/8. When the denominator and numerator are the same, we know that it is equal to 1, so 8/8=1

In this method, we changed our mixed numbers into improper fractions. From there we had to find a common denominator. Then regular subtraction rules apply. Once we find our improper fraction, we have to change it back to a mixed number.

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